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I love to laugh, learn, and love. I'm always interested in anything that can help me grow professionally and emotionally.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Airing Dirty Laundry on FB

While checking into Facebook, I came across one of my FB friends who always airs dirty laundry via the social networking site.  Unfortunately for him, his "issues" with his girlfriend plays out about every 3 months on average and all of FB can read about it.  In reading his rant this time, it really struck a cord with me (i'll get to why later).  His rants usually involve his girlfriend getting drunk and some kind of argument ensuing. One time his girlfriend even posted a recording of him verbally bashing her.  However, the funny thing is, just a month ago his post was about how much he loved his lady.  Just a week ago he posted pics of he and his girlfriend at a resort with champagne glasses and all that good stuff.  This post was a little different from the others. He basically was complaining that he had the cops called on him by his "drunk girlfriend" and was asked to leave a house that he pays all the bills for. Things went from bad to worse when his girlfriend jumped on and started divulging everything that happened that night. She admitted to being drunk and told everyone that she called the cops because he didnt know how to keep his hands to himself and that he was choking her.......Sooooooo, this struck a cord with me because I know what its like being in a toxic relationship. Going round and round on a neverending nightmare of a merry-go-round that I called a relationship was the norm for me.  Luckily for me i got off of that shitty ride! I feel so incredibly sad for these two because its obvious to me that they are toxic to each other.  That toxicity only serves to bring out the worst in both of them.  Most people who are in a toxic relationship certainly realizes it, but feel hopeless and helpless in breaking free.  Bottomline is, sometimes two people just cannot ever be together because their personalities clash beyond recognition.   I don't know this chick but it sounds like maybe, just maybe....she has an alcohol problem and she needs help, she seems to always be drunk and she is too damn old to be drinking to drunkdom on a regular....as for him, I've known him (not closely) since high school days.  I think he may need some anger management classes and to leave that chick alone unless he wants to end up in jail or prison.
I'm just sayin.......